Jesusmissionen internationellt

Briefly About The Christian Faith

We need to read every book in the Bible. It is best to start to read The New Testament. We need to have teaching from the whole Bible. First we need milk and than solid food from the Word of God so we can grow as Christians and not always be just children or babies in Christ.

Why do we need to be saved? Well, we need to be saved if we want´s to go to heaven after this life. God also want´s to have a love relationship with us and let us enter into the life that He has planned for us. Some unsaved people are kind, nice and do good. If this is enough we don´t need Jesus and what He has done for us on the cross. But it is not enough for we have all sinned.

God created everything in the beginning. The earth, the trees, flowers, people and animals and so on. Everything was good and everything was just fine, but the man fell into sin as we can read in the first book in the Bible. God could have ignored us there but He loves us and He gave us a chance to come back to Him if we want. But because we are all sinners and can not be good enough in ourselves to be able to come to heaven, God himself became a man. He sent his Son to us. Jesus and He was tempted in all ways when He walked the earth, but He never sinned and He took upon Himself all our sins on the cross when He died there. On the 3rd day He roce from the dead. In the Old Testament they sacrificed innocent lambs for their sins, which could not take away sins, just cover the sins. The word, however, says about Jesus: "Behold the Lamb of God which taketh away the sin of the world".

So every person who wants to be saved need to accept Jesus and His salvation and forgiveness of their sins. God loves us so much and He wants a love relationship with us. He wants to be our Father. He is a good God. He is a great and mighty God and He also want´s to be our best friend.

When we are saved, we are, as Romans says, justified by faith. But should we not have deeds ? Well, read James and Paul's letters in the Bible. You will be transformed and given a new good heart and as a result of this you have a fruit in your life. Gal 5:22-25. Here we see the fruit of the Spirit. When we walk with Jesus and have a close relationship with Him, we become like Him.

We are too weak in ourselves to be able to do enough good and obey God in our own power. We need to do good deeds in Gods power and we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and we need to have a close love relationship with Jesus, and always rely on Jesus and his goodness, and not our own ability. We shall obey God and respect Him. We need God's power to do God's will. We don´t need to be stuck in sin. Jesus can set us free. We need to repent if we have sin in our lives and the Lord Jesus cleanses us with His blood. He transforms us.
Be blessed from Anette.
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